Monday, June 7, 2010

Blackwings-still alive and strong or dead>??

Hey guys this is team leader Alex and i wanna discuss blackwings which i was inspired to build after i joined my first locals and got destroyed by the speed that blackwings had back in the 2009 march format. i vsed two blackwing decks and both ripped me apart. But when the 2010 march format hit i was happy to find that lightsworns/twilight have been destroyed and they dont reign the game anymore as compared to infernities and x sabers. Although it did shake blackwings and cripple the already crippled deck by semi limiting the search enginblack whirlwind and also limiting the draw power of the deck allure of darkness. In one of most recent YCS infernities and sabers dominated the top 32 as expected and only 1 blackwing deck made the top 32. So why dont the blackwings still reign at the tops? i mean the best deck variant of blackwings is one that runs opression such as vayu opression which is the variant im playing right now. Opression should be able to cripple the meta as it restricts special summoning for a price of 800 LP blackwings still have impressive speed but in comparison to sabers and infernities they just dont seem to be fast enough. or is it because those decks r still new and broken so they havent yet been crippled by the format. I wonder if konami has overdone the damage to blackwings and made them near unplayable in the format now. because the supposed "support" that blackwing users were expecting was rubbish and the only noteworthy one would be breeze the zephyr or however u spell it :L
So yeah if u guys could all help me discuss this topic and explain why blackwings just arent up to scratch anymore that would be helpful thanks

1 comment:

  1. It pisses me off how the Black Feathers get very little love. I hate how they've been decreased in power by the banlist, and yet X-sabers haven't even been touched by the banlist yet. X-sabers have TWO searchers, but they limit the best searcher Blackwings have.

    It also matters that less people run Blackwings now. People who can usually will build an X-saber deck over Black Feathers simply because of better consistency.

    My poor feathers sit in their deck, crying their hearts out. That's why I still play them, because I want my cards to know I love them all.
